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We are in the process of raising funds for this project. If you would like to make a donation,
please contact Anahid Sofian at "" .

A FUND-RAISING PARTY was held on May 25, 2005, 7:00 - 10:00 PM, click here for flyer.

For more information on the Anahid Sofian Studio and Dance Company, visit their website

Watch this site for updates on The Morocco Project.


Fiscal Sponsor:

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Dance Theater Workshop

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World Music Institute
go to their website
Wafin- Moroccan Connections in America
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Imports from Marrakesh, Ltd.

Performance Venue:

go to their website

Baruch Performing Arts Center



Title Page

photo credit: David Licht
venue: Town Hall World Dance Festival, New York City, 1999
dancers: Andrea Beeman, Patricia Eiben, Cathy Ferrara, Sandra Filipovich, Helene Johnson, Linda Lugo, Virginia Werner, Elissa White (leader), Kamille Winiecki

Second Page

Slides 1-3
photo credit: Terry Noyes
venue: Casa Galicia/Webster Hall, New York City, 1979
dancers: Johanna Climenko, Ellen Eichel, Mindy Feenburg, Pat Galante, Susan Harding,
Marybeth Penrose, Susan Sonnenfeld, Janeen Stevens, Elissa White (leader)
Slide 4
photo credit: David Lindner, New York City
dancers: Carol Flynn, Helene Johnson, Anahid Sofian

Third Page

photo credit: Terry Noyes
venue: Casa Galicia/Webster Hall, New York City, 1979
dancers: Johanna Climenko, Ellen Eichel, Mindy Feenburg, Pat Galante, Susan Harding,
Marybeth Penrose, Janeen Stevens, Susan Sonnenfeld, Elissa White (leader)
movie clip venue and dancers: the same

Black Eyes
photo credit: David Licht
venue: Theatre of Riverside Church, New York City, 1985
dancers: Delrosa Marshall, Jean Musacchio, Abby Ravens
movie clip dancers: Helen Anderson, Delrosa Marshall, Jean Musacchio, Abby Ravens

El Maghreb
photo credit: Roy Round, New York City
dancers: Sandra Filipovich, Susan Harding, Delrosa Marshall, Jean Musacchio
movie clip venue: Town Hall, New York City, 2000
movie clip dancers: Delrosa Marshall, Susan Harding, Jean Musacchio, Kamille Winiecki